Troubleshooting Steps To Resolve The Print Spooler Error 1068

Printers play a vital role in our day to day life. It has taken a special place in the heart of many people. There are many companies that provide the best Printers wherein you can choose the brand according to your choice. With Printer you can Print, Fax, Scan and Copy at a time. Although Printers are known for their performance, still people may face technical issues while using it. Generally, it has been observed that most of the issues related to the Printers are associated with Print Spooler. In case the Local Print Spooler Service Is Not Running Windows 10, then you may directly contact the professionals for help. You may also visit the official website of the Printer.

Easy ways to fix the Print Spooler Error 1068

You can Editing registry

  • The first step that you need to perform is to edit the registry. For that, click on Start, Run.

  • Now type ‘Regedit’ without quotes. Then press the Enter button. You should get to the Registry Editor. After that, you can navigate to the following branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Spooler. 

  • Now look for DependOnService value and click on it. 

  • Simply Remove anything you see and after that type ‘RPCSS’. Close regedit.exe and finally reboot.

Typing command in the Run console

  • The next step is to click on Start, Run.

  • Type the CMD /K SC CONFIG SPOOLER DEPEND= RPCSS. Tap on the Enter button. Thus, you will be able to see the Black window with the information that will show up.

If you have any issues or queries regarding the Local Print Spooler Service Is Not Running Windows 10, then contact the experts for the help. We have professionals who are available 24/7 hours; do not hesitate to contact the professionals. We have a well-skilled and trained team of experts who always tries their level best to meet the exact demands of the customers. All the technical experts are rich in experience and knowledge, so you can call our helpline number and get instant services.


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