How to Solve ‘Print Spooler Keeps Stopping’ on Windows 10?

Print Spooler is associated with the type of service which is initially integrated into the system. It implements the basic function of sending printing queues to the printer server. You can say it is responsible for running various printing jobs accurately. Most commonly the printer-related issues related to the Print spooler. If you want assistance to Repair Print Spooler, then you may visit the official website of the printer. For more queries, take the help of experienced professionals.

Fix the issue Print Spooler Keeps Stopping on Windows 10

Here are the simple steps that you can use to fix the issue ‘Print Spooler Keeps Stopping’ on Windows 10 as follows:

You can Restart the Print Spooler Service

  • On the Keyboard, simply press the ‘Windows logo key and R’ simultaneously in order to invoke the Run box.
  • Then type the services.msc and after that press the Enter button to open the Services window.
  • Now click on the Print Spooler, and then tap on the ‘Restart’.
  • Finally, check if your printer now starts working fine.

Print Spooler Service isn’t Set to Automatic

If you want to make the Print Spooler Service isn’t Set to Automatic, then follow the steps given below:

  • On the keyboard, press the ‘Windows logo key and R’ at the same time if you want to Run the box.
  • Now type the services.msc and then click on the Enter button to open the Services window.
  • Right-click on the Print Spooler, tp on the Properties.
  • Ensure that the Startup type is set to Automatic.
  • Then click on the Apply button and after that tap on OK.

You must change the Print Spooler Recovery options

In case the print spooler recovery settings are incorrect, then the print spooler won’t automatically restart.

  • To fix the issue, press the Windows logo key and R collectively in order to open the Run box.
  • Then type the services.msc and click on the Enter button to open the Services window.
  • In the next step, right-click on the Print Spooler.
  • Click on the Properties.
  • Tap on Recovery, make sure that all three failure fields are set to Restart ‘Service’.
  • Finally, click on Apply and then tap on the OK.

Keep your Printer Driver’s Up to date

In case the problem is still not fixed, then you must check the status of the printer drivers. If your printer drivers get outdated, then you must install the latest and compatible version of the printer drivers from the official website.

Facing any issue while Print Spooler Repair? If yes, then you may navigate to the official website of the printer. All the professionals are well-known for most of the issues which people usually face. The availability of our experienced professionals is 24*7 hours; feel free to dial our helpline number. Our technicians will deeply diagnose the issue and then provide the best solutions. We have a friendly team of experts who provide an excellent platform to the customers. Choose us and get rid of the common printer problems.

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